

  • 45 Phytonutrient-Dense Superfoods
  • 12 Sprouted Ingredients
  • HSO Probiotics
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Whole Food Dietary Supplement
  • Vegetarian
  • Certified B Corporation
Probiotics are cultured in dairy which is generally consumed during the fermentation process.◎

Perfect Food® Original Formula  is a whole food blend with more greens per serving than other green food formulas. Made with vegetable, sprout and organic cereal grass ingredients, one serving is equivalent to 148.5 grams of fresh grass juice to ensure your body receives the nutritional benefits of multiple servings of fruit and vegetables everyday. Perfect Food® Original Formula contains antioxidant green grasses, micro-algae, sea vegetables,  vegetables juices, grains, seeds and legumes, plus a proprietary blend of probiotics and plant based digestive enzymes. Perfect Food® Original is great for those who are unable to get enough green foods.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/gol/gol11112/u/5.jpg">


  • 45 Phytonutrient-Dense Superfoods
  • 12 Sprouted Ingredients
  • HSO Probiotics
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Whole Food Dietary Supplement
  • Vegetarian
  • Certified B Corporation
Probiotics are cultured in dairy which is generally consumed during the fermentation process.

Perfect Food® Original Formula  is a whole food blend with more greens per serving than other green food formulas. Made with vegetable, sprout and organic cereal grass ingredients, one serving is equivalent to 148.5 grams of fresh grass juice to ensure your body receives the nutritional benefits of multiple servings of fruit and vegetables everyday. Perfect Food® Original Formula contains antioxidant green grasses, micro-algae, sea vegetables,  vegetables juices, grains, seeds and legumes, plus a proprietary blend of probiotics and plant based digestive enzymes. Perfect Food® Original is great for those who are unable to get enough green foods.


Adults mix 1 level scoop (2 tablespoons) in 8 ounces of water or juice 1 (or more) times per day. Begin with 1/4 serving size for the first few days, gradually working up to full serving size. May be taken with or without food. Not intended for children. Scoop included.

網路價:1,342元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,275
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/gat/gat00040/u/3.jpg">


  • 人體必需營養素
  • 藥品級粉末
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 支持精瘦肌肉合成代謝
  • 促進訓練後的修復
  • 為運動員而配製
  • GMP──良好生產規範保證
  • 100份
  • 肌肉塑造
  • 體育訓練
  • 節食





網路價:666元,結帳享5%折扣後 633
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/gat/gat02168/u/1.jpg">


  • 高品質粉劑
  • 人體必需營養素
  • 提供抗分解代謝支援
  • 説明提高糖原存儲
  • GAT 保證正宗滿意
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 60 份
  • 更努力地對抗


GAT L-谷氨酸鹽是純正的氨基酸,足夠有效,為世上極偉大的一些形體&表現競技運動員所使用。每份提供 5 克高品質的 L-谷氨酸鹽。本產品是無味的,因此可以很容易地添加到蛋白質奶昔、鍛煉前或鍛煉後的飲料、或者您極喜愛的飲料中。


塑形和體育訓練:把 1 份和 6 至 8 盎司的水或其他飲料混合,每日服用兩次(共 2 份)。節食:為了減重或健美比賽而進行飲食計畫(特別是低碳水化合物飲食)時,把 2 份和 8 至 10 盎司的水混合,每天服用兩次(共 4 份)。

網路價:444元,結帳享5%折扣後 422