" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/now/now07350/u/7.jpg">


  • 含有不銹鋼頂篩
  • 新鮮、美味、健康的芽


1) 將兩勺催芽籽或半杯豆/穀放在發芽罐中,加水量是籽的三倍。浸泡一整晚。對於大多數小種子來說,浸泡五小時足夠。

2) 將水從罐子中濾出。用新鮮溫水漂洗種子,再排乾水。若想讓種子/芽充分控水,請將罐子斜放,置於溫暖 (70°F/21°C) 黑暗處。

3) 每日沖洗兩次種子,並排乾水。在燥熱的天氣裡,您可能需要每日沖洗種子三次。在非常潮濕的天氣裡,請將種子置於乾燥處。輕輕轉動罐子。迅速轉動罐子可能會造成發芽的種子移動。這可能會破壞嫩枝並殺死芽。這種破壞可能會造成芽腐爛。芽應在 3-5 天內食用完畢,取決於所用的種子。特後一天,可放在陽光下以增加葉綠素。

網路價:188元,結帳享5%折扣後 179
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/pea/pea00200/u/4.jpg">


  • 12 英寸 x 16 英寸袋子
  • 使果蔬更新鮮 - 保存期更長
  • 全球蔬果托運人使用的袋子
  • 有機認可

PEAKfresh®USA 保鮮袋能夠減緩水果和蔬菜的自然老化過程,保持產品的新鮮度和壽命。

PEAKfresh® 蔬果袋工作原理

  • PEAKfresh® 保鮮袋能夠去除乙烯氣體,延長產品壽命和新鮮度。大多數水果和蔬菜收穫後會釋放乙烯氣體,暴露於乙烯氣體會加速水果和蔬菜腐爛。
  • 與普通塑膠袋不同,PEAKfresh® 保鮮袋會“呼吸”,能除去新鮮農產品產生的有害氣體。
  • PEAKfresh® 保鮮袋能夠特大限度減少形成水珠並控制細菌生長。
  • 將果蔬維持在特佳狀態。



  1. 放進保鮮袋之前,將溫暖的蔬果在冰箱中預冷。
  2. 不同類型的農產品使用單獨的保鮮袋。
  3. 需貯藏的農產品應新鮮、乾燥、完好。
  4. 排除保鮮袋內的空氣,用捆紮帶系緊後放入冰箱。








網路價:118元,結帳享5%折扣後 113


  • Garden & Houseplants
  • Protects and Nourishes Soil & Plants
  • 100% Pure and Certified Organic
  • Cruelty Free
  • Vegan
  • Certified Organic by CCOF
  • 100% Pure, Organic Neem Oil
  • Contains Naturally Occurring Azadirachtin

Neem Oil is respected by farmers world-wide for its reputed ability to support healthy plants and soil. Used for centuries, Neem protects and nourishes soil & plants.

Containing only 100% pure Neem Oil, cold-pressed from seeds of the Indian Neem Tree, TheraNeem Naturals Neem Oil for the Garden is approved for organic gardening. It is environmentally compatible, non-toxic to mammals and birds, and does not affect beneficial insects and bees. Neem Oil makes a biodegradable, safe and effective plant spray and soil drench. This bottle can make up to 24 gallons of solution.

Use TheraNeem Natural Neem Oil for the Garden on all vegetation, including houseplants, flowers, roses, fruit trees, shrubs & ornamentals.

Orchids, Ornamentals, Herb Gardens, Fruits & Veggies, Roses, Citrus

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ors/ors00021/u/3.jpg">


  • Garden & Houseplants
  • Protects and Nourishes Soil & Plants
  • 100% Pure and Certified Organic
  • Cruelty Free
  • Vegan
  • Certified Organic by CCOF
  • 100% Pure, Organic Neem Oil
  • Contains Naturally Occurring Azadirachtin

Neem Oil is respected by farmers world-wide for its reputed ability to support healthy plants and soil. Used for centuries, Neem protects and nourishes soil & plants.

Containing only 100% pure Neem Oil, cold-pressed from seeds of the Indian Neem Tree, TheraNeem Naturals Neem Oil for the Garden is approved for organic gardening. It is environmentally compatible, non-toxic to mammals and birds, and does not affect beneficial insects and bees. Neem Oil makes a biodegradable, safe and effective plant spray and soil drench. This bottle can make up to 24 gallons of solution.

Use TheraNeem Natural Neem Oil for the Garden on all vegetation, including houseplants, flowers, roses, fruit trees, shrubs & ornamentals.

Orchids, Ornamentals, Herb Gardens, Fruits & Veggies, Roses, Citrus



您的花園噴灑後安心,可以立即使用。在消費前洗水果和蔬菜。TheraNeem Organix 花園用楝油也可用於寵物和牲畜。

網路價:520元,結帳享5%折扣後 494